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Getting the Most From Your Doctor

Non-compliant patients have become something of an epidemic in America these days, and the medical community is devoting tons of resources to stem the tide. Are you...

Who Owns the Hospital

First and foremost, find this out: where is the money coming from? Put another way, who owns the hospital? The answer will probably fall into one of...

Healthcare’s Front Line: Primary-Care Physicians

Unlike much of health care in the United States, which focuses on curing disease, the role of primary care physicians (PCP) is to focus on preventive medicine,...

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Does Diabetes Cause Pain in Legs? Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Does diabetes cause pain in legs? Absolutely. Diabetic leg pain is a common symptom resulting from complications like nerve damage, poor circulation, and muscle...

Does Diabetes Cause Foot Sores? How to Prevent Them?

Does diabetes cause foot sores? This is a common question among individuals with diabetes, and it’s an important one to address. Foot sores, particularly diabetic foot ulcers, are a significant concern for those managing diabetes, as they can lead to serious complications if not treated properly. 

Does Diabetes Affect the Kidneys? Exploring The Link!

Does diabetes affect the kidneys? Yes, diabetes is a leading cause of kidney damage worldwide. Prolonged high blood sugar levels, if left unmanaged, can cause significant harm to the kidney's filtering units, which are responsible for removing waste and excess fluids from the body. 

Can Diabetes Cause Shortness of Breath? Things You Should Know!

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can lead to complications affecting various organs, including the lungs and cardiovascular system. One common question among those living with diabetes is: can diabetes cause shortness of breath? The answer is yes. Diabetes can directly or indirectly contribute to respiratory issues, and shortness of breath is one of the symptoms that can arise as a result.

Does Diabetes Cause Yeast Infections? Exploring the Link!

Does diabetes cause yeast infections? This is a common question among individuals managing diabetes. The relationship between diabetes and yeast infections stems from the effects of high blood sugar on the body's natural defenses. Yeast infections, caused by an overgrowth of Candida fungus, are more prevalent in individuals with diabetes, particularly when blood sugar levels are not well-controlled.

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