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Getting the Most From Your Doctor

Non-compliant patients have become something of an epidemic in America these days, and the medical community is devoting tons of resources to stem the tide. Are you...

Who Owns the Hospital

First and foremost, find this out: where is the money coming from? Put another way, who owns the hospital? The answer will probably fall into one of...

Healthcare’s Front Line: Primary-Care Physicians

Unlike much of health care in the United States, which focuses on curing disease, the role of primary care physicians (PCP) is to focus on preventive medicine,...

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Your Guide to Managed Care

Everything you need to know about managed care, from the ABCs of HMOs to local plan comparisons, so you can choose the health care...

All Hospitals Are Not Created Equal

The biggest mistake you can make when choosing a hospital is to simply go to the closest facility or the "biggest and best" one...

Sun Sense: There Are No Healthy Tans

The term healthy tan is as contradictory and dangerous as friendly fire or true lies. Sun exposure is the main cause of skin cancer....

Safety Check: Over-the-Counter Medications

Do you use over-the-counter drugs “as directed?” If not, you could be headed for trouble each time you reach into your medicine cabinet for...

Make the Most of Your Medications

Are side effects from your prescription medication making you feel worse? Are foods, beverages or other remedies sabotaging the remedies you take? Here’s what...

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