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Getting the Most From Your Doctor

Non-compliant patients have become something of an epidemic in America these days, and the medical community is devoting tons of resources to stem the tide. Are you...

Who Owns the Hospital

First and foremost, find this out: where is the money coming from? Put another way, who owns the hospital? The answer will probably fall into one of...

Healthcare’s Front Line: Primary-Care Physicians

Unlike much of health care in the United States, which focuses on curing disease, the role of primary care physicians (PCP) is to focus on preventive medicine,...

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Prescription Drug Addiction

Every year the rate of prescription drug addiction seems to increase exponentially. It is not clear whether it is increasing because of ease of acquisition or...

Have You Had a Check up Lately

If you feel fine, is there any reason to go to the doctor? Most of us might say yes, but we don’t actually do...

Carpal Tunnel Exercises

Limbering up: Massage the inside and outside of hand with thumb and fingers. Grasp fingers and gently bend back wrist. Hold for five seconds....

Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction affects a person by making it difficult to give up sweets. Of course this definition can be applied to many "non-addictive" substances. However,...

Is Long Term Care Insurance for You

On average our life spans are longer than any in human history. This is good to hear, good to know. Then you realize that...

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