Non-compliant patients have become something of an epidemic in America these days, and the medical community is devoting tons of resources to stem the tide. Are you...
First and foremost, find this out: where is the money coming from? Put another way, who owns the hospital? The answer will probably fall into one of...
Unlike much of health care in the United States, which focuses on curing disease, the role of primary care physicians (PCP) is to focus on preventive medicine,...
Smoking treatment for tobacco addiction needs integrated steps.* Smoking treatment requires smokers to join together with their doctors, families, spouses, friends, and even employers, to successfully quit...
Peanut allergy bracelets are highly recommended. Why is it important for people to have peanut allergy bracelets? Highly sensitive people can have a serious food...
It may sound strange, but many people who focus on finding the ultimate health food solution are actually suffering from Orthorexia. Known as the health...
Fibromyalgia diagnosis is often fibromyalgia misdiagnosis, because there are no tests to diagnose fibromyalgia. Because of this patients are misdiagnosed, which delays proper treatment. Find...
Of course if you experience any symptoms that you believe to be an emergency, do not hesitate—seek medical care immediately. Otherwise, be prudent about...