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Health Issues

There is Life After Breast Cancer

I am an 11 year breast cancer survivor, and I owe my recovery from this deadly disease to love of life, faith and medicine....

Breast Cancer: Life Saving Facts

Breast cancer. The words alone terrify most women, and a diagnosis can be shattering. But there's a growing reason for optimism. The disease is...

Medicare Glossary

Approved Amount: The amount Medicare determines to be reasonable for a service that is covered under Part B. This may be less than the actual...

Medicare: Bridging the Gaps

Medicare participants are often shocked to see how much they owe when they receive a hospital or doctor bill. To help them pay for...

Facing the Challenge of Arthritis

Osteoarthritis can make simple tasks like holding a fork very difficult. But various coping strategies can help you get a grip on it….instead of...

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