Fibromyalgia diagnosis is often fibromyalgia misdiagnosis, because there are no tests to diagnose fibromyalgia. Because of this patients are misdiagnosed, which delays proper treatment. Find out how doctors make a fibromyalgia diagnosis and which doctors are experts in treating this common pain syndrome. Also Learn the necessary steps that you should take to make sure you receive an accurate diagnosis.
Why is Fibromyalgia Difficult to Diagnose?
Fibromyalgia diagnosis takes an average five years for a person to get an accurate diagnosis. Some people try different physicians without receiving a correct fibromyalgia diagnosis. Many people even wonder if their painful symptoms are real or imaginary.
There aren’t any scientific indicators, such as laboratory tests or x-rays, that provide a conclusively fibromyalgia diagnosis. So Far, millions of fibromyalgia patients have been misdiagnosed as having depression, inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid, chronic myofascial pain, or chronic fatigue syndrome. There are some similarities between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia and arthritis. However, fibromyalgia is is a distinct syndrome. It is a different condition which requires a fibromyalgia diagnosis and the appropriate treatment.
What Tests Are Used to Diagnose Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia diagnosis cannot rely extensively on laboratory tests. Your physician will reach a diagnosis after conducting a physical examination and discussing your symptoms with you. The reason behind this is the diagnosis is mainly based on how you feel. For example, although your physician may notice trigger points while examining you, you still must tell him how much pain you feel in those areas. Your physician will examine laboratory tests essentially to rule out the possibility of more serious medical conditions.
Fibromyalgia Diagnosis: What Specific Tests Are Appropriate?
Fibromyalgia diagnosis often includes blood tests called a “complete blood count” (CBC). The CBC measures your hemoglobin, white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. CBC also reveals other common blood disorders that can also cause fatigue.
Your physician may order tests, such as kidney and liver tests, to examine blood chemistry. He will probably check the level of cholesterol and fats in your blood, calcium levels, etc. Your physician may also perform thyroid tests to determine whether your thyroid is overactive or under-active.